Global Village, now in a permanent location in Dubai and open until March, is definitely worth a visit. (FYI - We hit a lot of traffic on the way there but the roads were wide open on the return trip to Abu Dhabi.)
There are 38 countries represented, each with stalls selling a variety of wares within a facade of the country's characteristic architecture. In the picture above I'm looking at hand-embroidered tablecloths in the Afghanistan pavillion.
Above is the just-opened India pavillion.
On the night we went to the Global Village, there were many, many people there - mostly families - but we didn't find the crowds overwhelming. There are a nice variety of amusement-park rides and games, but they don't dominate the Global Village. In the background there was a steady stream of Arabic music.

Hello Francis,
I am enjoying reading your blog entries and learning about the culture in which you and your family are living. I find it utterly fascinating and beautiful. Your descriptions are so real and the pictures are incredible! This latest one with the dancing spheres is a mesmerizing feast for the eyes! Was that area built specifically for the "Global Village" or has it always been there?
Are you in an area that would be affected by the visiting US President? We are now finished with the Primary here in Concord and the candidate signs that littered the streets on Wed. morning have been collected and disposed of. It always feels so empty for the first few days following voting day..... no minor traffic jams, no more television crews on Main St. and evenings are free of ringing telephones with candidate volunteers asking for support!
All the best to you and your family!
Hi Joellen,
Yes everything at Global Village was purpose-built. And yes, President Bush arrives today in Abu Dhabi. It rained this morning, which is very unusual; I hope the weather improves so the president can get a real idea of how beautiful this country is.
We watched the run-up to the New Hampshire primary on tv here, especially M and Joe, our eldest. We remembered how much we enjoyed seeing a lot of the candidates in person (in NH) before the last election - it made all of us miss NH.
Warm Regards,
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